NewsKrueger wins Winter TournamentPosted by Juraj P on Sun January 25, 2009 at 17h14
Results from the 23rd Annual Winter Tournament.
Congrats to all the players, especially division winners:
Jason Krueger Div 1, Yvonne Lewanski Div 2, and Steven Faust Div 3.
See you in Edmonton and Vancouver in March, and other back in Calgary
in April for the spring tournament.
Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 Krueger, Jason 1625 10- 4- 0 608
2 Clifford, Wayne 1563 9- 5- 0 419
3 Ebanks, Mike 1553 8- 6- 0 290
6 McGrath, Wendy 1302 6- 8- 0 -32
5 Pivovarov, Juraj 1329 5- 9- 0 -794
4 Rem, Emil 1523 4- 10- 0 -491
Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
7 Lewanski, Yvonne 1263 11- 3- 0 583
8 Yocom, Wesley 1235 9- 5- 0 719
12 Brown, Kayan 1077 7- 6- 1 -178
9 Morris, Maureen 1174 6- 7- 1 -109
10 Bergeron, Betty 1150 5- 9- 0 -214
11 Morigeau, Terri 1077 3- 11- 0 -801
Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
15 Faust, Steven 825 11- 3- 0 494
19 Slater, Linda 722 9- 5- 0 408
13 Klovan, Dorothy 890 9- 5- 0 318
18 Brookes, Laverne 724 8- 6- 0 347
16 Matthews, Estelle 805 8- 6- 0 226
17 Millington, Troy 801 8- 6- 0 116
21 Pelkey, Millie 656 7- 7- 0 69
23 Kosik, Wilma 595 7- 7- 0 2
20 Kendel, Darlene 687 7- 7- 0 -112
22 Lehman, Jean 654 7- 7- 0 -521
24 Piltingsrud, Velora 467 3- 11- 0 -647
14 Weis, Rodney 858 0- 14- 0 -700