We had a great spring tournament this past weekend, which saw a total of 30 players come out. Three were from out of town: Sunshine from Vancouver, and Huguette and Ben from Edmonton.
In Division 1, Siri won easily, being gibsonized after only 11 rounds. He was at 10-1 while others were at 6-5. He finished with an impressive 13-1. Wayne finished second, with Juraj 3rd.
In Division 2, Noella was first with 10, Wendy and Sylvia next with 9,
and Huguette and Terri being the final prize winners with 8 wins each.
In Division 3, Sunshine Gudlaugson cleaned up with 11.5/14,
making her trip well worth it. Laverne came second with 10.5/14,
surprisingly tieing Sunshine in the last round for all the marbles.
Claudette was third with 9, and Linda, Darlene, and Marion also won prizes for their 8-6 finishes.
Indx Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 2 Tillekeratne, Siri 1568 13- 1- 0 621
2 1 Clifford, Wayne 1599 8- 6- 0 -31
3 6 Pivovarov, Juraj 1431 7- 7- 0 89
4 3 Tran, Eric 1550 7- 7- 0 31
5 4 Huang, Brendan 1471 4- 10- 0 -207
6 5 Rem, Emil 1453 3- 11- 0 -503
Indx Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 8 Ward, Noella 1327 10- 4- 0 750
2 10 McGrath, Wendy 1269 9- 5- 0 313
3 15 King, Sylvia 1003 9- 5- 0 -102
4 9 Settle, Huguette 1325 8- 6- 0 332
5 14 Morigeau, Terri 1018 8- 6- 0 0
6 11 Brigliadori, Sue 1246 7- 7- 0 217
7 12 Bergeron, Betty 1122 7- 7- 0 -86
8 13 Settle, Ben 1051 6- 8- 0 -147
9 16 Klovan, Dorothy 894 4- 10- 0 -553
10 7 MacLeod, M J 1334 2- 12- 0 -724
Indx Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 21 Gudlaugson, Sunshine 763 11- 2- 1 547
2 17 Brookes, Laverne 830 10- 3- 1 411
3 27 Bazinet, Claudette 631 9- 5- 0 323
4 22 Slater, Linda 752 8- 6- 0 719
5 26 Kendel, Darlene 643 8- 6- 0 468
6 20 Dimond, Marion 772 8- 6- 0 192
7 23 Lehman, Jean 653 8- 6- 0 -112
8 24 Wheatley, Angela 648 7- 7- 0 -221
9 19 Cook, Anna Marie 789 6- 8- 0 102
10 30 Krupa, Pat 0 6- 8- 0 -193
11 25 Pelkey, Millie 643 6- 8- 0 -206
12 29 Piltingsrud, Velora 421 4- 10- 0 -1037
13 28 Kosik, Wilma 563 3- 11- 0 -417
14 18 Matthews, Estelle 797 3- 11- 0 -576