NewsWeather a lucky Coincidence?Posted by Juraj P on Sun December 06, 2009 at 13h08
It was rumored that a certain player was afraid to play up in
Division 1. Happy coincidence that the weather was terrible
and said player couldn't make it? I'll leave it to you to decide.
I won't name names, but both him and his lovely wife were supposed
to be playing.
Despite the weather, the club was very pleased to see so many players
come, including Huguette, Ben, and Matthew from Edmonton.
The roads were terrible and it's one of the worst
snow storms we've had in a while. It was very touch-and-go in the hour
before the tournament, as players were calling in saying they're stuck!
Not that 20-30cm (8-12in) of snow is that much. But the gusting winds
created huge drifts, where many city buses were even getting stuck.
Temperatures plummeted to -25C (-13F).
In total, out of 30 players we only had 4 cancellations. Again, with only
one notable exception, due to weather.
The Marathon is the annual favorite of many players. It has a grueling
schedule of 12 rounds in one day, with only 2 half hour breaks.
Div 1
High Win: 596, Mike Ebanks
High Loss: 439, Siri Tillekeratne
High Turn: QUARTERS(193), Mike Ebanks
High Non-Bingo: ZEIN(69), Wendy McGrath
Comeback Kid: 125, Juraj Pivovarov
Bingo Ace: 20, Juraj Pivovarov
Div 2
High Win: 574, Wes Yocom
High Loss: 406, Terri Morigeau
High Turn: SQUARED(132), Sylvia King
High Non-Bingo: ZONED(70), Matthew Larocque
Comeback Kid: 87, Sue Brigliadori
Bingo Ace: 18, Wes Yocom
Div 3
High Win: 478, Estelle Matthews
High Loss: 353, Linda Slater
High Turn: FISHIER(89), Linda Slater
High Non-Bingo: ZAX(76), Velora Piltingsrud
Comeback Kid: 71, Estelle Matthews
Bingo Ace: 8, Laverne Brookes
Most Outrageous Phoney: HOUSAGES
- played by Shirley Robertson against Ben Settle
Frinds-of-the-Director: Laverne, $19
Tuff Luck (three closest losses): Terri Morigeau
Living on the Edge (three closest wins): Estelle Matthews
Indx Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 4 Pivovarov, Juraj 1448 8- 4- 0 298
2 1 Thomas, Randall 1693 7- 5- 0 520
3 2 Ebanks, Mike 1562 7- 5- 0 60
4 5 McGrath, Wendy 1402 6- 6- 0 -182
5 3 Tillekeratne, Siri 1560 6- 6- 0 -303
6 6 Lewanski, Yvonne 1318 2- 10- 0 -393
Indx Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 7 Yocom, Wesley 1310 8- 4- 0 232
2 13 Taylor-Bailey, Pam 1148 7- 5- 0 444
3 12 Larocque, Matthew 1171 7- 5- 0 383
4 14 Maas, Peter 1074 7- 5- 0 262
5 10 Bergeron, Betty 1188 7- 5- 0 -89
6 11 Morris, Maureen 1184 6- 6- 0 104
7 8 Settle, Huguette 1270 6- 6- 0 82
8 16 King, Sylvia 1027 6- 6- 0 -159
9 17 Robertson, Shirley 1019 5- 7- 0 -234
10 9 Brigliadori, Sue 1219 5- 7- 0 -507
11 18 Morigeau, Terri 974 4- 8- 0 -113
12 15 Settle, Ben 1028 4- 8- 0 -405
Indx Ply# Name Ratg W - L - T +/-
1 22 Slater, Linda 786 9- 3- 0 519
2 19 Hopgood, Joan 887 9- 3- 0 422
3 21 Matthews, Estelle 796 8- 4- 0 231
4 25 Piltingsrud, Velora 398 5- 7- 0 -104
5 23 Kendel, Darlene 698 5- 7- 0 -224
6 20 Brookes, Laverne 808 4- 7- 1 -111
7 24 Pelkey, Millie 694 4- 8- 0 -329
8 26 St Onge, Mary Anne 0 3- 8- 1 -404