Calgary Scrabble Group


Instructions for ISC, Discord, first club night

Posted by Juraj on Sat March 21, 2020 at 15h41

Chat on Tues and Play on Thurs

We'll be trying out a virtual club session, playing our games from home, online at ISC this Thursday at 18:45 like usual. To get ready for this, we'll meet up over phone/chat/isc on Tuesday night, just like our first conference call last week. Then we sort out any issues and hopefully be ready to play for Thursday night.
Tues 2020-03-24: MST
	   18:30 conference call, with summary for those who missed last one.
		 also help setting up discord account
	   19:00 Chat on discord, try it out.
		 Advanced players can try playing a little
		 Others can ask for help on discord, about ISC, etc
		 Walk-thrus for signing up on platforms will be provided, see conference call number below

Thurs 2020-03-26: MST
	   18:30 conference call
		 discord website 	 
	   18:45 Announce pairings
		 Round 1 on ISC
	   19:45 Round 2 on ISC
	   20:45 Round 3 on ISC 

How to prepare

  1. You first need an account on ISC. Read about it here: Internet Scrabble Club (ISC) Howto Guide
  2. When ready, create your account: Internet Scrabble Club (ISC) IMPORTANT: Don't forget to change your setting before play starts. Read PART THREE of the guide above.
  3. Next you need an account on discord. Pick a username that matches your ISC username if possible. Discord is for chatting and posting the groupings and pairings. Read about it here: Discord - Howto Guide
  4. When ready, create your discord account by following this link https://discord.gg/arSEc78
  5. Finally, give us a call on a regular phone, if you like, on either Tues or Thur at 18h30 MST. Otherwise, just see you on discord itself.
    Dial In Numbers:
    Calgary - 403-232-0994
    Edmonton - 780-421-1483
    Canada & USA -1-877-385-4099
    Access Code: 5807565#


  1. Please be prepared to play all three games. Forgive yourself if you make some mistakes related to the interface, in time you'll get used to it. Be courteous to your opponents in that regard.
  2. Games will be spaced one hour apart, but we can adjust this for next week if it's too slow.
  3. Alberta players only for the first night 2020-03-24, 2020-03-26, but directors from other provinces may participate. (we may have some unexpected delays as we sort it out ourselves)
  4. We'll use the Calgary Club Ladder
  5. Time limits should be set to 'game in 35 min'. But you should only take 25 minutes, add time penalties of 10pts per minute if you use more than 25 min, just like normal. (We aren't using 25 minutes because on ISC you cannot go overtime by more than one minute - instant loss. With a 35 min time, we can safely go overtime by up to 10 min).
  6. Report your scores, with appropriate time penalties to the 'general' chat window.
  7. Results will be official and typed in to update the ladder for next week.