Calgary Scrabble Group


November Tournament

Sun Nov 21 2021

Calgary, AB


West Hillhurst Gogetters
1940 6 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2N 0W3
Calgary, AB


The top division will have 12 players, rated 1100+.
The bottom division will have the remainder.

Any player that wishes to play up is permitted to do so.

Division 1
Seed    Name                Member ID Prov    Rating     

1       Pivovarov, Juraj    100652    AB        1719  
2       Thomas, Randall     100071    AB        1601  
3       Tillekeratne, Siri  100828    AB        1501  
4       Clifford, Wayne     101608    AB        1493  
5       Ward, Noella        101068    AB        1435  
6       Rem, Emil           101658    AB        1424  
7       Angie Marsales      101662    AB        1198  
8       Maureen Morris      100592    AB        1191 
9       McGrath, Wendy      101651    AB        1185  
10      Clifford, Maureen   101609    AB        1169  
11      Morigeau, Terri     101139    AB        1129  
12      Brigliadori, Sue    101617    AB        1113  

Division 2
13      Weis, Rodney        101136    AB        1081  
14      Martin, Richard     100484    AB        1073  
15      Harris, Grace       101660    AB         958  
16      Barker, Danielle    101616    AB         940  
17      Slater, Linda       101664    AB         815  
18      Matthews, Estelle   100736    AB         729  
19      Kendel, Darlene     100711    AB         688  
20      Cook, Anna Marie    101663    AB         659  Dropped out
21      McKay, Tom          101614    AB         407  
22      Didluck, Evan       101665    AB         unr  

  Sunday November 21st
  8 Games, likely two divisions.
  Entry Fee $10
  WGPO Rated
  Dictionary: TWL18 (CSW19 by consent, game by game basis)

Schedule (tentative):
   8:30 Arrive, setup
   9:00 Four Rounds
  12:30 Lunch
  13:30 Four Rounds
  17:00 Prizes
  17:10 Go home

Collins By Consent

CSW19 may be used on a game by game basis, but only if both players agree. Otherwise TWL18 will be used. All games will be rated by WGPO as TWL, regardless of the lexicon chosen. To avoid disputes, players must mark the LEXICON = TWL or CSW on the tally slip, and both players must initial it. If the lexicon is not marked, and a dispute arises, the game will be assumed to be in TWL18.

The Challenge rule will be double-challenge for TWL, and the 5-pt rule for CSW.

Two computers will be provided to adjudicate challenges, one for TWL one for CSW.

Covid Protocol

Players will be required to be double vaccinated (and show proof) as of Nov 7th 2021. There is no option to provide a negative Covid test, as mandated by WGPO, WHGG, and Calgary Scrabble Club policies. Also MASKS must be warn at all times.

For more information please see our previous article Covid Protocol for play at WHGG.


Here is the list of WGPO Entrants, but to be added to the list and to play in the tournament, you must sign up and join WGPO. Please do so before the tournament.

Balance Sheet


    Entries         $10 x 22    = $220
    Club Subsidy    $164        = $164

    TOTAL                         $384


    WHGG Rent       $2 x 22     =  $44
    Category Prizes
       High Game         $10
       High Loss         $10
       High Turn         $10
       High Non-Bingo    $10
       Comeback Kid      $10
       Low Win           $10
       Bingo Ace         $10
       Tuff Luck          $5
       Living on the edge $5
       Outrageous Phoney  $5
       Best Pandemic Word $5    =  $90
    Standings Prizes            = $220
    Donation to WGPO            =  $30
    TOTAL                         $384

Payout $310 / $220 
= 141% of entry fees returned as prizes.



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