Calgary Scrabble Group



Several books have been written for players wanting to improve their game. Here are some recommendations:

Everything Scrabble®

The definitive book for new players. Covers basic & advanced strategy, and has several puzzles. A new updated edition was recently released, so all examples and analyses are now current and no longer feature unacceptable words. Available from the NSA.

The Official Scrabble® Puzzle Book

Mostly puzzles, but a few good tips. The puzzles are excellently done. The only drawback is that they take a lot of time to complete and may not be suitable as a learning tool for everybody. Available from the NSA.


A CD-ROM that contains A Champion's Strategies for Winning at Scrabble®, an excellent guide to strategy that is most suitable for Intermediate players written by the 1983 North American champion and the 1999 World Champion. It also contains the entire collection of Medleys, one of the most well-written periodicals of its time, featuring articles on strategy from expert players. You can order online or get more information from the Archive Homepage.