Calgary Scrabble Group



This page includes some selected links for information about Scrabble® along with its clubs, tournaments, players, equipment, etc.

Clubs & Tournaments

Scrabble® FAQ - The grand behemoth of club and tournament Scrabble® information sites. Here you will find the list of Frequently Asked Questions for Scrabble® along with various other things. The link collection is also unrivalled - if there's a site having anything to do with organized Scrabble®, chances are it's linked here.

ScrabbleClub.com - A collection of useful information for club & tournament players. Mostly links, but they are organized well.

For links to individual Scrabble® clubs, visit one of the sites in this section.

Play Scrabble Online

Internet Scrabble Club

Calgary Club on Woogles

Governing Bodies

WGPO Word Game Player's Associations