NewsJuly RatingsPosted by Paul S on Fri August 18, 2000 at 0h00July club ratings have been posted. They
took a long time to get back from the NSA, presumably because having
the Nationals on created delays.
NOTE: The complete prize winners list from the Nationals
should be available soon, and I'll update the
Out of Town Results Archive as soon as
this list is available (without posting a news item). There is a
partial list online now but I'm waiting for the full one as some of our
players are expecting to be on it.
Quick Update - The program to reconstruct the statistics for
the Ladder Archive is nearly complete. Actually it is complete,
I just need to program it to write the data to disk now. Afterwards, I
have to modify the actual ladder updater program to be able to handle
the new data, and following that I'll be able to begin entering new
results and posting them! As mentioned, results will be posted as they
are completed, and we should be caught up with current results in early
or mid-September. Look for the first new results to begin appearing
late next week.