Well, it's finally done. The Club
Results Archive is now COMPLETELY UP-TO-DATE! All the results from
2001 have now been entered, and I'm eagerly looking forward to entering
tomorrow's results on time for the first time in nearly two years.
Once again I'd like to remind you about
this link. If you bookmark it, you will
automatically be shown the newest results. Now that results will be current, I
think this link will be very useful, especially as we near the end of another
Starting with the December 20th results (which are the latest - remember
there was no club on the 27th), I've enhanced the results pages to show Top 10s
for many of the Achievers categories. We have too many people and many of the
races are just too close to show only Top 5s, so it seemed like a good idea.
Of course it will make the pages even bigger but I think it's worth it.
I'd also like to briefly recap some of the newer features of the Archive.
These of course have been available for a long time, but the results have never
been current until now! There's the
Hall of Fame which contains
record performances of all kinds. Overall Club Statistics are also
tracked and archived along with the weekly results. Also, there are many more
statistics on the Full Ladder that is also archived weekly.
As I mentioned before, the whole inspiration for getting the results up to
date was that they are (tentatively) going to be considered official! If all
goes well, our yearly club awards will be given out based on the information
stored here on the web. We should be finalizing the details of this within a
few weeks, and I'll let you know what will be happening.
It was March of 2000 when I stopped entering results in order to perform a
major upgrade that was only supposed to take 6-8 weeks to finish. Six
months later the upgrade was completed, and by then the backlog of
results was enormous. Several of you didn't think I'd ever get the results
back up-to-date, and frankly I had some severe doubts as well. Well, it took
me 22 months, but at last it's done! Never again will I let myself get so far
behind. (Now if I could just get caught up on my 3+ years of personal game
A reminder that the Marathon
Tournament is on Saturday. Within the days after it I'll be updating some
other neglected sections of this site and then I'll provide you with an outline
of my plans for the site for 2002.
On behalf of all of the Directors of the
Calgary Scrabble® Group, Happy New Year to everybody. It should be a very
good year for the site, and indeed for the club in general!