Calgary Scrabble Group


Can Am

Sat Mar 19 2011 to Sun Mar 20 2011

Calgary, AB


Radisson Hotel, 2120 16 Ave. NE, Calgary
Calgary, AB


14 rounds double RR between the top 7 Canadians and the top 7 Americans eligible by peak rating and other qualifying criteria.

Please see The NASPA Wall Calendar and the historic site canam site canamsrabble.com for more information.

More notes from Siri, emailed to all players:

Hi, the above event will be held on March 19 & 20 (Sat. & Sun.) starting
at 9.00 a.m. each day. The venue is the Radisson Hotel, 2120 16 Ave. NE,
Calgary, Alberta. Canada. Full details and the list of potential players
(including yours) is on the NASPA tournament wall calendar and canam
scrabble challenge websites.

If you wish to participate, we would like to receive your registration
fee of $50 (US or Can.) so we can finalize the teams. If you do not plan
to play, we would appreciate you letting us know, so that the next
eligible players) could be given an opportunity.

As I will be away in Asia from Jan. 06 to Feb. 24, please direct all
your communications (including the registration fee by check or MO) to
our club's co-director/treasurer Betty Bergeron, 140 Sunlake Circle SE,
Calgary, Alberta, T2X 3H9, Canada, to be received by no later than
Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011. If we do not hear from you by this date your
spot will be given to the next eligible player from your side. Betty's
contact info: bettyb140@shaw.ca, (403) 201 2206.

We also encourage you to join the website canam-scrabble@yahoogroups.com
for further updates.

Wish you and yours a Happy and Prosperous 2011.

Thank you.

Siri Tillekeratne
NASPA Club 374
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Siri Tillekeratne, sirit@shaw.ca

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