Calgary Scrabble Group


Vancouver Tournament

Sat Mar 04 2006 to Sun Mar 05 2006

Vancouver, BC


Masonic Lodge 1495 W. 8th Ave (1/2 block east of Granville) free parking at rear.

Checkin in Sat 9:00-9:30am. Start at 10:00.
Sunday start at 9:00am.

Please make cheques payable to

Vancouver Scrabble Club
108-1945 Barclay St.
Vancouver, BC
V6G 1K7

(indiciate if you wish to play up if possible YES/NO - and include NSA#, email, and rating)

Vancouver, BC


14 rounds (8 Saturday, 6 Sunday)
4 divisions with cutoffs at 1700, 1400, and 1100. Playing up may be permitted if within 100 points of the cutoff or at the directors' discretion.

Div 1 $80 ($70 USD)
Div 2 $70 ($60 USD)
Div 3 $60 ($53 USD)
Div 4 $50 ($45 USD)

Please bring deluxe scrabble boards, clocks and tournament tiles if you have them.

All members must be members of the NSA, excluding first-time participants in a rated tournament. Non-members may join and others may renew their memebership by adding $28 ($22 USD) to their registration fee.

Please register by Feb 27th 2006


Valerie Gallant
(604) 675-4943

Judy McLean
(604) 228-08888

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