Calgary Scrabble Group


12th Annual Western Canadian Scrabble Championship

Fri Oct 12 2007 to Sun Oct 14 2007

Calgary, Alberta


Coast Plaza Hotel
1316 -33 Street NE

Participants are offered the special room rate of $89 CDN/ approx. $80 US until Sunday, Sept. 9, 2007. Toll-free: 1-800-661-1464 Mention Scrabble Tournament. Direct 403-248-8888.
Calgary, Alberta


Format: Modified round-robin plus 3 king-of-the-hill rounds. Divisions based on Oct. 1, 2007 NSA ratings list. No exceptions.

Div. 1 = 1600+ $100 CDN / $90 US
Div. 2 = 1300-1599 $80 CDN / $72 US
Div. 3 = 1000-1299 $60 CDN / $54 US
Div. 4 = under 1000 $40 CDN / $36 US

Make cheques payable to: Calgary Word Games Players Club

Players within 100 ratings points of the cutoff may play up provided all divisions still have a minimum of 12 players.

Fri. Oct. 12: Registration 4:30 - 4:45 p.m.
Rounds 1-4 starting at 6:00 p.m.

Sat. Oct. 13: Rounds 5-12 starting at 9:00 a.m.

Sun. Oct. 14: Rounds 13-17 starting at 9:00 a.m.

Awards presentation at approx. 3:30 p.m.

List of pre-registered players on cross-tables.com

Read the Official Tournament Poster


Siri Tillekeratne
16 Cedarwood Place SW
Calgary, AB Canada T2W 3G6

email: sirit@shaw.ca

phone: 403-281-2459

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